Weekly Mastermind Meeting

Learn, Support Members, Be Accountable

Exactly what I'm looking for to grow my business is...

Focused on you TriCities - meeting

Be apart of Greater Vancouver's
longest running network

Focused Networking was started over 29 years ago by Donna Willon, today her legacy lives on with TriCities Focused on You Networking. A dynamic group of business owners committed to growing their businesses through business education and development. Sharing business successes and learning from missteps.

Join us every Tuesday morning online from 7:30am to 9:00am and in person once a month.

Interested in becoming a member?

Fill out the form below and start to grow your business with like-minded professionals.

    Have you ever been a member of Focused Networking or TriCities Focused on You?

    Do you belong to other networking groups?